Benefic and Malefic Planet In Astrology | School Of Occult Science


Benefic and Malefic Planet In Astrology: The Moon's Role in Astrology

  • 20 Jul , 2024
Malefic meaning in astrology
Discover the impact of malefic planets and benefic planets in astrology. Learn about the malefic meaning in astrology and how these planets influence your life and personality. Understand the dynamics of malefic and benefic planets to gain deeper astrological insights.

All the 9 planets in astrology are classified into two categories: benefic and malefic

Benefic planets in astrology - Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter

Malefic planets in astrology - Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu

Today, we are discussing the Moon, exploring when it is considered benefic and when it is considered malefic according to malefic planets and benefic planets in astrology.

The Moon is one of the most significant planets in astrology, ruling over emotions, intuition, and the subconscious mind. Moon position in the natal chart can greatly influence an individual’s life, providing either benefic or malefic effects depending on various factors. Understanding when the Moon is benefic (favorable) or malefic (unfavorable) can provide deeper insights into astrological interpretations and personal experiences.

Benefic and Malefic Planet : Moon

Whether the natal Moon (position of Moon in your birth chart) is benefic (favorable) or malefic (unfavorable) depends on its relative position from the Sun. When it is very close to the Sun in your chart, it is malefic planet, and this is the time when it is Amavasya or New Moon. Astrologically, Amavasya means the Sun and Moon are at exactly the same angle and can be seen together in the birth chart.The Moon is fully a malefic planet at the time of Amavasya.

The Moon moves much faster than the Sun and as it moves away from the Sun, the malefic property of the Moon reduces while the benefic property increases. After 15 days, the Moon is at 180 degrees from the Sun, and then it is fully visible, which is the Full Moon day or what we call Poornima. In the birth chart, the Sun planet and Moon planet would be opposite each other (7 houses apart). The Moon is now a fully benefic planet in your chart.

By looking at your chart, you can also tell if you were born near Amavasya or Poornima.

There are two phases of the Moon: the waxing moon phase and the waning moon phase.

What is Waxing Moon Meaning?

The waxing phase of Moon begins right after the New Moon (next day after Amavasya) and continues until the Full Moon (Poornima). During this phase, the malefic property of the Moon reduces while the benefic property increases. On the 7th and 8th days, the Moon is almost neutral – neither malefic planet nor benefic planet.

What is Waning Moon Meaning?

The waning phase of the Moon begins right after the Full Moon or Poornima and continues until the New Moon or Amavasya. During this phase, the benefic property of the Moon reduces, and it becomes neutral after 7 days of Poornima. As it approaches the Sun, the Moon becomes a more and more malefic planet.

Benefic Planet Moon

A benefic Moon brings positive energy, emotional stability, and a sense of well-being. Here are some conditions under which the Moon is considered benefic planet:

  1. Strong Placement in Natal Chart: When the Moon is placed in its own sign, Cancer, or in the signs of its friends, Taurus and Gemini, it tends to provide benefic planet effects. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, which enhances its positive attributes.
  2. Well-Aspected Moon: When the Moon forms harmonious aspects with other benefic planets like Jupiter and Venus, it enhances its positive influence. Conjunctions with benefic planets in astrology can also strengthen the Moon’s favorable effects.
  3. Positive House Placement: The Moon placed in the 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, or 10th houses is generally considered beneficial.
  4. Positive Nakshatras: When the Moon is placed in certain nakshatras like Rohini, Mrigashira, and Pushya, it brings beneficial influences.

Malefic Planet Moon

A malefic Moon can bring emotional instability, mood swings, and difficulties in personal relationships. Here are some conditions under which the Moon is considered malefic planet:

  1. Weak Placement in Natal Chart: When the Moon is placed in the signs of its enemies, such as Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aquarius, it can manifest challenging effects. The Moon is debilitated in Scorpio, which can lead to emotional turmoil.
  2. Ill-Aspected Moon: When the Moon forms challenging aspects (squares, oppositions) with malefic planets like Saturn, Mars, Rahu, and Ketu, it can intensify negative emotions. Conjunctions with malefic planets can also diminish the Moon’s positive influence.
  3. Negative House Placement: The Moon placed in the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses is generally considered a malefic planet.
  4. Challenging Nakshatras: When the Moon is placed in certain nakshatras like Ardra, Ashlesha, and Jyeshtha, it can bring forth challenging influences.

Practical Implications

Benefic Planet Moon

1. Enhances emotional intelligence, creativity, and intuition.

2. Supports positive relationships and a nurturing home environment.

3. Fosters mental peace and a sense of contentment.

Malefic Planet Moon

1. Can lead to emotional ups and downs, stress, and anxiety.0

2. May cause challenges in personal relationships and domestic life.

3. Requires conscious efforts to manage emotional health and stability.



The Moon’s influence in astrology is profound, affecting our inner world and emotional landscape. By understanding when the Moon is considered as benefic planet and malefic planet in astrology, we can better navigate its energies, harnessing its positive potential and mitigating its challenging aspects. This awareness allows for a more balanced and harmonious approach to life.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is the Moon malefic or benefic?

Malefic or Benefic property of Moon can be seen by its position in the chart relative to Sun. If Moon is closer to Sun it is malefic and when it is away from Sun it is benefic planet.

2. Are there any benefits of the Moon?

Yes, a benefic Moon brings emotional stability, creativity, and positive relationships.

3. What if the Moon is a malefic planet?

A malefic Moon can cause emotional instability and challenges in personal relationships, requiring conscious management.

4. What are the benefits of the benefic planet Moon?

A benefic Moon enhances emotional intelligence, supports positive relationships, and fosters mental peace.

5. Are the effects of Moon benefic or malefic planet in horoscope?

If the Moon is away from Sun it would be benefic planet and will give benefic effects.However it's position in 6th 8th and 12th house can also give malefic effects. Besides Moon is your mind and when under the influence of Malefic planets like Mars and Saturn Moon can give malefic effects. 

6. How to know if a Moon is strong or weak in a birth chart?

Moon is strong in it's own sign which is Cancer. Besides it is very strong in Taurus sign where it gets exalted and very weak in Scorpio where it gets debilitated. Besides Moon is strong in it's friendly signs.
