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Impact of Solar Eclipse on 10th June 2021

  • 10 Jun , 2021

Solar Eclipse occurs when Moon comes in between Sun and Earth thereby covering the Sun’s sight to some extent. The shadow of Moon falls on Earth creating some darkness for a while. Astrologically this happens when Sun and Rahu come together or have same longitude. For any eclipse to happen - Solar or Lunar, the nodes of Moon – Rahu and Ketu should be aligned with Sun for Solar Eclipse or Moon for lunar eclipse.

Benefic and Malefic Planets in Astrology

  • 10 Feb , 2021

First and foremost no planet is absolutely benefic or absolutely malefic. A planet might be a natural benefic but then it might be functional malefic. A planet might be natural and functional benefic but placed in a bad house (trik house) resulting in some bad events during its dasha – antardasha. Hence if we really want to study astrology and understand the mysteries surrounding the planets, we must come out of this notion that any planet is completely benefic or malefic. We, our conscious, must be neutral to a planet if we really want to understand its behavior.

What is Horoscope - Understanding Basics

  • 20 May , 2020

Horoscope in literal sense is the position of planets expressed in terms of angles with respect to place of birth of a child at the time when child was born. Hence it is the static picture of the planets at the time of the birth of a child . As the definition itself depicts, date of birth, time of birth and place of birth are the basis of forming a Horoscope.
