Mars in Scorpio - Vedic Astrology


Mars Combust in Scorpio

  • 20 Nov , 2023
Currently Mars and Sun are both in Scorpio. As on 18th November Mars and Sun have the same longitude making Mars fully combust. This reduces the strength of Mars although it is in its own sign. This affects the significations of Mars for everyone and for those who are born during these days, their birth chart will have combust Mars which will effect their lives in aspects related to the signifcations of Mars.

Combustion in Astrology : Whenever a planet (except Rahu and Ketu) comes very near to Sun i.e., the planet and the Sun have close longitude in the same zodiac, the planet is said to be combust. Due to combustion, the planet loses its strength and all areas signified by the planet are affected.

At present Sun is transiting in Scorpio. It entered Scorpio on 17th November 2023. At that time Mars was already in Scorpio. Sun having higher speed, crossed the longitude of Mars on 18th November 2023. As the longitude of Mars and the Sun coincided, Mars became fully combust. Since the Sun travels faster, the distance between the longitudes of the Sun and Mars is now increasing every minute reducing the effect of combustion on Mars. Mars gets combust when it is within a range of 17 degrees from Sun whether it is before Sun or after Sun. Mars was also combust when Sun left Libra since distance between Mars and Sun was less than 17degrees. However on 18th November, this distance became zero making Mars completely combust.

The combustion of Mars will still remain till 16th January 2024 with a decreasing effect of combustion every day as the distance between Mars and the Sun keeps increasing.

The significations of Mars which might get affected due to combustion are related to younger siblings, property, efforts, courage. Mars as a planet signifies all these areas in astrology and when Mars is fully combust then a person tend to  get affected on account of these areas. For those who are born during this period, Mars become a combust planet in their birth chart giving some weakness to these significations throughout their lives.

