What is Horoscope | Definition & Facts


What is Horoscope - Understanding Basics

  • 20 May , 2020
Horoscope in literal sense is the position of planets expressed in terms of angles with respect to place of birth of a child at the time when child was born. Hence it is the static picture of the planets at the time of the birth of a child . As the definition itself depicts, date of birth, time of birth and place of birth are the basis of forming a Horoscope.

Horoscope in literal sense is the position of planets expressed in terms of angles with respect to place of birth of a child at the time when child was born. Hence it is the static picture of the planets at the time of the birth of a child . As the definition itself depicts, date of birth, time of birth and place of birth are the basis of forming a Horoscope.

Elements of Horoscope

  1. Planets
  2. Zodiac Signs
  3. Ascendant or Lagna
  4. Houses

Planets or Grah

We all know Planets. However in Astrology planets have different definition. As per Astrology, any heavenly body that may have an impact on Earth or people living on Earth are all called Planets. Hence Sun and Moon are also planets since they have significant affect on our lives and mind. In Astronomy Sun is a star while Moon is a satellite.

Zodiac Signs or Rashi

We all have heard about the Zodiac Signs. We often look for them in Sunday newspaper to see our forecast. What are these? They are an important element of any Horoscope. The whole universe around us form 360 degrees. This is divided into 12 divisions and we call each division by the name of constellation of stars - Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Each division is of 30 degrees. The degrees of each Zodiac Sign is fixed. For Example Aries is from 0 degree to 30 degree; Capricorn is 270 deg to 300 deg. Below table shows the degree of each Zodiac Sign.

What is Horoscope

Ascendant or Lagna

Ascendant is one of the less known but very important element of Horoscope. It is the Zodiac Sign which rises from the eastern horizon at the time of birth of a child . For example if at the time of birth of a child, Cancer zodiac sign was rising on eastern horizon then Cancer is the ascendant of the child. Ascendant becomes the reference point while evaluating a Horoscope.

Houses or Bhav

Every Horoscope has 12 divisions known as houses. These houses have their own identity and are completely different from the zodiac signs. The first house starts from the Ascendant. Hence, whichever zodiac sign is ascendant, that is considered first house of the horoscope. Other houses are counted from the ascendant. Each house has different significations. For example 7th house is for marriage, 10th house is for profession.

Types of Horoscope

In India two formats are very common - North India format and South India format.

What is horoscope
What is Horoscope
Difference between North Indian and South Indian Format of Horoscope

Besides these, there is also an East India Format which is comparatively less common format of horoscope. In this we go anticlockwise but the format is more similar to South India Horoscope.

What is horoscope

Besides these formats, there is also a circular format which is used in Western Astrology.

Having seen all these elements of a horoscope, now one has to understand each of these elements and go deeper, deeper and deeper into it. Astrology is vast, astrology is very deep but most interesting science.

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