Tarot Card Reading: Unlock Life's Secrets | School of Occult Science


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Can Tarot Card Reading Reveal Your Life's Hidden Secrets?

  • 9 Aug , 2024
Tarot Card Reading
Tarot card reading is a powerful tool for self-discovery and guidance. It involves interpreting symbols and images on tarot cards to gain insights into life's questions and challenges. Dive into the world of tarot card reading to unlock profound personal revelations and clarity.

Introduction to Tarot Card Reading

Tarot card reading has been used for hundreds of years to help people understand their lives and make decisions. These cards aren't just ordinary cards; they are special tools that show pictures and symbols to give guidance. They help us to see what is going inside our minds and give us clear direction.

So, what is tarot card reading? In simple terms, it means picking cards from a tarot card list and figuring out what they mean. By doing this, we can answer questions and get insights about different parts of our lives. If you want to understand more about yourself and your future, it's time to learn tarot card reading.

Structure of a Tarot Card Reading Deck

A traditional tarot card reading deck consists of 78 cards divided into two main sections: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. Each section has its own unique significance and role in tarot card reading.

Major Arcana Cards in Tarot Card Reading

The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, each representing significant life themes and spiritual lessons. These cards are often seen as the "big picture" or major influences in a tarot card reading. Some well-known Major Arcana tarot cards include The Fool, The Magician, and The High Priestess. Each of these Major Arcana tarot cards carries a profound tarot card meaning that can deeply impact the interpretation of a reading.

Minor Arcana Cards in Tarot Card Reading

The Minor Arcana tarot consists of 56 cards, divided into four suits: Cups, Pentacles, Swords, and Wands. Each suit represents different areas of life, such as emotions, material aspects, intellect, and creativity. The Minor Arcana tarot cards are more focused on day-to-day events and influences, providing a detailed look at the nuances of a situation in a tarot card reading.

Decoding the Major Arcana: The Core of Tarot Card Reading

The Major Arcana cards are the heart of the tarot card list. They depict archetypal figures and significant life events. Each card offers unique insights:

  • The Fool: Signifies new beginnings and potential.
  • The Magician: Represents manifestation and resourcefulness.
  • The High Priestess: Embodies intuition and hidden knowledge.
  • The Empress: Symbolizes fertility, creativity, and abundance.

Understanding the tarot card meaning of each major arcana tarot card is essential for accurate tarot card reading. These cards often indicate the overarching energies influencing the querent's life.

Decoding the Minor Arcana: The Essence of Tarot Card Reading

The Minor Arcana tarot cards provide a more detailed and nuanced view of the querent's life. Each suit within the Minor Arcana offers insights into specific areas:

  • Cups: Emotions, relationships, and connections.
  • Pentacles: Material aspects, career, and finances.
  • Swords: Intellect, decisions, and conflicts.
  • Wands: Creativity, passion, and action.

These cards are instrumental in tarot card reading, offering context and clarity to the more significant influences represented by the Major Arcana.

Reading Tarot Cards

What is tarot card reading without understanding the process? Tarot card reading involves several key steps:

Shuffling and Drawing Tarot Cards

The process begins with shuffling the tarot deck while focusing on the question or issue at hand. Drawing cards from the deck is a ritual that connects the querent's energy with the cards.

Common Tarot Card Spreads

Tarot card spreads are specific layouts used to structure a tarot card reading. Common spreads include the three-card spread (past, present, future), the Celtic Cross, and the Horseshoe spread. Each spread serves a different purpose and helps in organizing the cards' interpretations.

Interpreting the Tarot Cards

Interpreting the cards involves analyzing their positions within the spread and their individual meanings. The interaction between the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana tarot cards is crucial, as it reveals the dynamics of the situation being explored. The reader synthesizes the tarot card meaning of each card with its position to provide comprehensive insights.


Tarot card reading is a powerful tool for self-discovery and guidance. By understanding the structure of the tarot card list, the significance of the Major Arcana tarot cards, and the detailed insights provided by the Minor Arcana tarot, one can navigate life's challenges with greater clarity. Whether you're seeking answers or looking to gain deeper insights into your life, tarot card reading offers a profound way to connect with your inner wisdom and the energies around you. Embrace the journey of tarot card reading and unlock the secrets of the tarot to enhance your life.

Stay tuned for our next blog on the Tarot Card Reading.
