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Understanding How Eclipses Impact Your Life


Eclipse in Astrology

  • 24 Mar , 2015
Eclipse in its usual meaning is the event when Moon comes in between Earth and Sun casting its shadow over the Earth. For some time we do not get full light of the Sun. This is call Solar Eclipse.

Eclipse in its usual meaning is the event when Moon comes in between Earth and Sun casting its shadow over the Earth. For some time we do not get full light of the Sun. This is call Solar Eclipse.

There is also Lunar eclipse when Earth comes in between Sun and the Moon. In this case shadow of Earth falls on moon and we can see Moon getting eclipsed as Earth moves. We can very well see the shadow of Earth coming over Moon and slowly covering whole or partial part of the Moon.

Effect of above events affect lives of the people on earth to some extent. This effect is not remarkable. Astrologically it affects people with weak Moon. Moon represents the mind of a person and such events could disturb them mentally to some extent.

Eclipse in Astrology

In Astrology, many terminologies have different meaning. First of all in astrology "Planet" itself means any celestial body or any node in space which has an impact on our lives on Earth. Hence Sun and Moon are called Planets in Astrology although as per Astronomy and Physics, Sun is a star while Moon is Earth's satellite. Nevertheless in Astrology both Sun and Moon are considered planet. Not even Sun and Moon, even the nodal points which are intersection of Earth's orbit and Moon's orbit, notoriously known as Rahu and Ketu respectively, are considered planets in Astrology. Yes Rahu and Ketu are just nodal points of intersection of Earth's and Moon's orbit. They are not physical planets and hence also popularly referred as Shadowy planets.

When Rahu or Ketu is near sun's longitude, Sun is supposed to be eclipsed. This has a lot of astrological significance. Usually whenever any planet is very near to Sun, astrologically, that planet is said to be combust which means that the planet will not be able to have any strength till the time it is near Sun. All planets be it Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn or Mercury, they loose their strength when they are very near to Sun. However Sun has no impact on Rahu / Ketu since Rahu / Ketu are shadowy planets and cannot have any impact of Sun. On the contrary when these nodal points are very near to Sun, Sun's influence get reduced. Sun is said to be afflicted by Rahu and Ketu. This is more true for Rahu which is the only planet that can impact Sun and eclipse it.

In a native's chart if Rahu is very close to Sun in same house then the significance of the house whose lordship is with Sun gets adversely affected due to eclipse of Sun.
