Palmistry - Science, Pseudoscience or does it even matter?


Palmistry - Science, Pseudoscience or does it even matter?

  • 24 Mar , 2015
Internet is full of articles and arguements on this topic. This is a topic on which we will never have full proof justification. Science believes in only something that can be proved. However if outcome of an event remains same everytime that doesn't mean scientifically it is proved. However it can be conveniently "taken for granted" if outcomes is same. Likewise only possible proof of palmistry is evaluation of one's own hand from a professional skilled palmist.

Palmistry - Is it real?

Palmisty - What's the science behind it?

Internet is full of articles and arguements on this topic. This is a topic on which we will never have full proof justification. Science believes in only something that can be proved. However if outcome of an event remains same everytime that doesn't mean scientifically it is proved. However it can be conveniently "taken for granted" if outcomes is same. Likewise only possible proof of palmistry is evaluation of one's own hand from a professional skilled palmist. If he is able to tell you even few things about your self that is true then you should believe in Palmistry. The reason I say "even few things" because i assume that now a days there are very few Palmists who are so well learned to give exact perfect 100% readings. However if a Palmist's readings come out to be 60% true then also it should be assumed that there is some truth behind these lines.

Planets and Hand : While all of us know very well that there are fine lines in our hands, when you study Palmist you come to know that regions of our hands are associated with Planets. Astrology tells us that Planets have a great impact on our lives and a good Astrologer can predict our past, present and future by knowing position of planets at the time of our birth.

Here comes the Science :

I have studied Astrology and Palmistry and I am an engineer by profession. What I meant to say is that I have scientific bent of mind and I do not believe anything that is not scientific. I would like to confess that the "rules" given by Parasher for Astrology, Cheiro for Palmistry and Pythogoras for Numerology doesnt really have scientific justification. However all these rules are based on the position of Planets at the time of birth. This position of planets given by Astronomy is entirely scientific. Since Astrology is based on the position of planets hence it is considered as Scientific. Likewise Palmistry too has dependency on the planets which makes the study of Palmistry scientific. Similarly in Numerology again each number is associated with a planet. Hence a person with specific lucky number or life path number is influenced by that planet whose position can be traced through Astronomy scientifically.

All said and done, we must give ourselves an opportunity to look into this subject of occult science and explore it ourselves if there is a truth behind this ages old practice of reading hands.

Palmistry has an edge over Astrology :

While Astrology is considered to be the basis of all occult science due to the universal fact that planets effect our lives, yet Astrology suffers setback on the premise of correct recording of birth time. Most of us don't really know if our birth time is perfectly recorded or not. To go into more detail, there is even controversy among Astrologers whether to consider "first cry" of child as Child birth or "cutting of Umbilical cord" or "time of head out" or "time of full body out of mother's womb" as sign of birth time. Hence Palmistry has an edge over the Astrology as everyone has clear lines on his or her palm without any controversy.
