Learn Vedic Astrology (The Basics) - School of Occult Science


Vedic Astrology

  • 31 Dec , 2019
Astrology has been in existence for thousands of years . It is a gift given to us by our sages who studied planets and its effects. However as time passed by, the accuracy of predictions went down and along with that went down the trust of people. It is purely based on science, learning it and understanding it, is the real challenge.

Why Learn Astrology - Is it real?

Astrology has been in existence for thousands of years . It is a gift given to us by our sages who studied planets and its effects. However as time passed by, the accuracy of predictions went down and along with that went down the trust of people. It is purely based on science, learning it and understanding it, is the real challenge.

What do you don't trust ? Astrology or Astrologer?

U tell a crowd you are an Astrologer and more than 70% would be ready to ask about their future. Balance 30% will also stand by to hear what prediction Astrologer is giving. The problem which I feel is the trust factor. You tell them the fees and 95% would move away. What does that mean? People do not have trust — on Astrology or Astrologer? I believe it is Astrologer else they would not ask for prediction even for free.

Now question arises, Why People do not believe in Astrologers. It's because whenever they had asked for predictions, many times predictions have gone wrong. There are some basic reasons for predictions going wrong:

  1. First and foremost is of course, ability of Astrologer.
  2. Rules of Astrology were given by Rishi Parasher in Sanskrit. Through ages these were translated into various languages and with each translation there is scope of distortion in understanding. Hence predictions could go wrong.
  3. Birth time is always a point of doubt. At times birth time difference can change lagna or ascendant changing the whole horoscope. Even little time difference can cause variation in divisional charts.
  4. Last but not the least, the understanding of the astrology rules written during the time of Rishi Parasher and thereafter by his followers, that time was different, understanding of life was different as compared to present time . For example there was a time when having more number of wives was a symbol of royalty, name and fame. Many Astrology books refer to this but it is not so in present times. Similarly now females also work, concept of live in relations & divorces are common. These things were not so common in ancient times when astrological rules were written. Hence perception of rules have been changing.

Astrology is totally scientific and I believe almost 100% people want to try it by asking an astrologer. Its for Astrologer to study to the extent that he or she is able to build that trust of people. If you are able to build the trust you are a winner. At School of Occult Science, we explore the science behind Astrology. We teach that science and travel with you, hand holding you, not just till completion of course but thereafter to make a community of Successful Learned Astrologers. 
