Shani Sade Sati: Meaning, Phrase Aand Impact On Your Life


Shani Sade Sati: Meaning, Phrase Aand Impact On Your Life

  • 28 Jul , 2024
Shani Sade Sati Meaning
Curious about the meaning and effect of Sade Sati? Sade Sati refers to the period when Saturn influences your natal moon as it moves closer to it. This phase, known as Shani Sade Sati, begins when Saturn is 45 degrees behind the natal moon and continues until it is 45 degrees past it. Lasting for seven and a half years, this period can bring feelings of tension, depression, and sadness. The impact of Sade Sati varies based on the house and sign of your natal moon, with some zodiac signs experiencing less severe effects. Understanding what Sade Sati is, its different phases, and identifying the most challenging phase requires a Shani Dasha calculator.

Introduction of Shani sade sati

Have you ever wondered about Sade Sati meaning and what happens when Saturn approaches your natal moon?

Understanding the Meaning of Shani Sade Sati

Sade Sati is the influence of transiting Saturn as it approaches the Natal Moon. Transiting means the current movement of a planet, and Natal refers to the position of a planet at the time of birth.

How Saturn Affects the Natal Moon During Shani Sade Sati

Shani Sade Sati starts when the transiting Saturn is 45 degrees behind the natal moon. As Saturn comes closer, its influence becomes stronger. This influence lasts until Saturn has crossed 45 degrees past the natal moon.

Phases of Shani Sade Sati: From Start to Finish

Saturn moves one zodiac sign (30 degrees) in 2.5 years. To cover 90 degrees (45 degrees before and 45 degrees after the natal moon), it takes seven and a half years, which in Hindi is called Shani Sade Sati, hence the name.

Saturn is one of the most malefic planets, and the moon represents our mind. When Shani Sade Sati starts, we may feel tension, depression, and sadness.

Impact of Shani Sade Sati on Different Houses

The Sade Sati effects depend on the house in which the moon is present. For example, if the moon is in the 2nd or 7th house, the native might face issues related to finances, business, or married life. If the moon is in the 1st house, Shani Sade Sati may adversely affect health and fame.

How the Zodiac Sign Influences Shani Sade Sati Effects

The degree ofinfluence of Shani Sadesati also depends on the sign in which the natal moon is present. If the natal moon is in Aquarius or Capricorn, which are owned by Saturn, the adverse effects of Sade Sati of Shani are less severe. However, if the natal moon is in Leo or Cancer, whose lords are the Sun and Moon respectively, Sade Sati Shani has a worse impact since the Sun and Moon are enemies of Saturn.

Shani Dasha Calculator: Key to Understanding Shani Sade Sati

To understand what is Sade Sati and its phases, including the Sade Sati setting phase and which phase of Sade Sati is worse, it’s essential to use a Shani Dasha calculator. This can help determine the specific Sade Sati effects based on your unique astrological chart.

At the School of Occult Science, we offer comprehensive courses on various occult sciences, including astrology. If you're interested in learning more about Shani Sade Sati, how zodiac signs affect it, its phases, and more, we invite you to join our astrology courses.

Contact Astrologer Sandeep Chopra at +91-8920263942 to learn more and start your journey into the fascinating world of vedic astrology
